Real weddings8 years of dating, still made it to the aisleidealweddingsFebruary 16, 2021February 16, 2021 by idealweddingsFebruary 16, 2021February 16, 2021040 Event planners give events a spark and when it’s a wedding, they make sure they give you a fairytale wedding. However, when event planners wed,...
Real weddingsCelebrating six years of marriageidealweddingsFebruary 15, 2021February 15, 2021 by idealweddingsFebruary 15, 2021February 15, 2021074 For a marriage to be certified, there has to be a marriage officer, the wedding couple and two witnesses. Most people have come to believe...
Real weddingsWet Wedding: Heavy rains change wedding plansidealweddingsFebruary 11, 2021February 11, 2021 by idealweddingsFebruary 11, 2021February 11, 20210100 Two weeks before the wedding, things can be hectic and you want everything to be in place, doing the final purchases and planning. Ever thought...
Editor's NoteEditor’s noteidealweddingsOctober 6, 2020October 6, 2020 by idealweddingsOctober 6, 2020October 6, 20200125 Have you ever thought about why certain things are done at weddings? You’ll be surprised and I bet you, you might consider not doing some...
Editor's NoteEditor’s NoteidealweddingsJuly 27, 2020July 27, 2020 by idealweddingsJuly 27, 2020July 27, 20200142 Hello everyone! We made it to the second edition! Thank you so much for the overwhelming responses and feedback. This edition is filled with exciting...