Wedding planning

8 roles of the Maid of Honour

The maid of honour is one of the most important people on your wedding day. They know every detail of the wedding and their major responsibility is to make sure that all is going on well with the bride. As this is a major responsibility, the bride should choose someone she trusts to keep her sane and make sure everything is in control otherwise everything might go wrong if you have the wrong Maid of Honour.

Being a maid of honour is more than just standing out from the rest of the bridal party, it’s a responsibility that one has to take seriously. Here are the major responsibilities of the maid of honour:

1.         Be there for the bride

From the day of engagement, the maid of honor should help facilitate the wedding planner. The maid of honor should be someone who knows the bride so well that she has to help her in making decisions. Wedding planning can be overwhelming, and the bride might forget a lot of things in the planning process. It is the responsibility of the maid of honor to make sure that everything is taken care of.

2.         Help in reviewing the budget

Bridesmaids incur a lot of expenses in planning for the wedding. It is the maid of honour’s responsibility to reason with the bride and bridesmaids so that they reach an understanding of what to purchase and how to make the payments over a certain timeline. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and no one complains.

3.         Setting the timeline

The maid of honor is also responsible for setting a timeline for the bridesmaids’ activities. This includes dress shopping, fittings, bridal party and deadlines

4.         Go Wedding Dress Shopping

Choosing a wedding dress is one of the highlights of wedding planning. The bride-to-be sometimes goes through a lot of stress and confusion in choosing her dress. As the maid of honour is someone who knows the bride so well, she must be able to help the bride to be to make a final decision.  Also, be there to help zip her up and learn how to dress her in preparation for the big day.

5.         Serve as the contact person

The maid of honour should know as much information about the wedding as possible such that if anyone has a question, they can turn to you at any point before or during the wedding. This will save the bride from the stress of responding to questions from guests and bridesmaids about what would be taking place.

6.         Mediate conflict among the bridal party.

The maid of honour is responsible for maintaining peace among the bridal party. Sometimes the bride is so overwhelmed that she may not be in a position to consider people’s feelings. She might say things that may offend members of the bridal party. The maid of honour must be able to resolve conflict and be the go-between the bride and the bridesmaids so that there is peace during the wedding planning.

7.         Prepare a wedding survival kit

A lot of unforeseen things can happen on the morning of the wedding. A seam may rip off, due to excitement, the bride or bridesmaids may get their period unexpectedly or someone may have a headache. The maid of honour has the responsibility to have a small survival box with a few safety pins, thread and needle, painkillers, and band-aids, just to be safe.

8.         Make sure the bride remembers to eat

Due to excitement, the bride may forget or refuse to eat, but one should know better. The wedding day is long and the bride must have a good breakfast that will sustain her up to the time of the wedding mealtime. That way you avoid headaches and lightheadedness. Also, make sure that there is a bottle of water nearby to keep the bride hydrated.

It is an honour to be chosen as the maid of honour, embrace the duties, and do everything with love. The bride needs you!

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